CAERAU MEN'S SHED Shoulder to Shoulder
The Men’s Shed movement started over a decade ago in Australia and currently there are around 40+ Men’s Shed groups in Wales.
Each Men’s Shed is unique, but has a common thread in that they have been set up to establish support for men who require friendship, support and a sense of belonging.
Each shed has its own individuality with some sheds meeting at a variety of places including allotments, industrial units, farm buildings, hospitals, former courts and even converted Police garages. Caerau Men’s Shed meets at Dyffryn Chapel, Beddow Street every Friday for a cuppa, lunch, chat and various projects.
The members of the Caerau Men’s Shed have a variety of different backgrounds and are mixed ages, but all share one common theme.
To have fun, support, friendship and help people in their local community.
Check through the website for more info or contact our chairman Christopher Davies.
Latest News
Fun time at The Shed on FridayTeds birthday cake and champion mushy pea eater Gypo with Andre lol great fun boys always at the shed.
Caerau Men’s Shed Standing to Grow
The Staff from Standing to Grow attended the shed on Friday to say thank you from them and the children for building them a safe fenced off play area for the children another great job for the community by The Shed Force Team Butch, Jonnyshitshoo, Flash, Big Byrd, Nigel Cribbwr and of course The Big […]
Update Duffryn Chapel Patio Project
The Shedders continue to work hard at Duffryn Chapel Gypo, John, Mal & Butch managed to lay 100 slabs today, Great Effort all!